Thursday, October 17, 2013

Police Officer Who Delivered Sex Pics Delivers Council Endorsement

Police Officer Who Delivered Sex Pics Delivers Council Endorsement

Last year Desert Hot Springs Police Officer Jason Hunter delivered sex pictures to a 14 year old girl and last night he delivered the Police Officer's Association endorsement of Yvonne Parks, Scott Matas and Jan Pye for the November election.
Its all about money. The POA wants an increase in wages from the city and the city is broke. Hunter earns more than $100,000 as an officer.
The city continues spending more than it receives from income.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Former DHS Police Officer Andrea Heath Dead

Former DHS Police Officer Andrea Heath Dead

Settlement of Discrimination Lawsuit Against City Scheduled Tomorrow

Former officer Andrea Heath was involved with a variety of high profile internal matters regarding the Desert Hot Springs police department. 

Heath's $5 million discrimination lawsuit against the city naming former city manager Rick Daniels and former police chief Patrick Williams was winding its way through the courts. Andrea Heath's report to the FBI was instrumental in the convictions of former Desert Hot Springs police officers. 

The circumstances of death are under investigation.

Skyborne Cancels Peter Chryssikos Alarm Contract

Skyborne Cancels Peter Chryssikos Alarm Contract

Indicted and Unlicensed Contractor with Political Ties Given 30 Days Notice

The Skyborne HOA cancels contract of the unlicensed contractor under indictment by the District Attorney.
Peter Chyssikos has political ties and hires high-priced big name criminal defense attorney John Patrick Dolan for what is usually an administrative matter.
A jury trial at the Indio Courthouse is expected in January.


RELATED: California City Manager Endorsed by Convicted Felon

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Welcome to Desert Hot Springs

Welcome to Desert Hot Springs

Gone but not forgotten. The sign is gone that stood for decades welcoming to the city of Desert Hot Springs - ordered removed by former city manager Rick Daniels. Take a nostalgic look at the city's welcome sign that was built by volunteers and vanished overnight. Enjoy a bonus pic of the city's first welcome sign.


Campaign Signs Become Campaign Issue

Campaign Signs Become Campaign Issue

No sign of peace for sign war.

Will this election be any different from the past? Desert Hot Springs election campaign signs have been defaced, damaged and stolen by the dirty tricks team.
Things are not starting off well as already there are signs of trouble.

Desert Hot Springs Make Over

Desert Hot Springs Make Over

Yikes! You can photoshop a face but you can't photoshop a track record. Mayor Yvonne Parks of Desert Hot Springs is stuck with a dismal track record of city finance. To solve the city budget crisis she is adding more dollar stores. She can thank her team of advisers. The city is still paying consultant Micheal Bracken $10,000 a month and over the years his firm has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars putting the city where it is now.
